The Home page shows the main data related to agents.
New conversations
Number of conversations created from 00:00 to the current time, including incoming and callback conversations served by all agents.
Ongoing conversations
Number of conversations that are currently served by all agents.
Online agents
Number of logged-in users (agents and admins), including those who are online, invisible, busy, and away.
Number of messages sent successfully from 00:00 to the current time, including the messages sent by customers, agents, and the system.
Trend of conversations, including incoming and callback conversations served by all agents.
The graph can be changed based on the time range, time granularity (hourly, daily, weekly, or monthly), channel (app, web, WeChat, or Weibo). You can also choose to use different display graphics, such as diagram, area graph, histogram.
The following figure shows a histogram for daily conversations in four channels: app, web, WeChat, and Weibo.
The buttons are as follows:
(1): Set the start time and end time of conversations. The data overview for that time period is shown below the graph.
(2): Select the presentation.
(3): Set the time granularity of the graph. It can be:
(4): Set the channels for the graph. They are:
(5): Set the display of the histogram.
(6): Data overview. Drag the scroll bar on the overview chart to display data for different time periods, and adjust the width of the scroll bar to show more data or less data. Place the cursor outside the scroll bar and a plus sign (+) will appear. Click the plus sign to view all the data on the overview chart.
Trend of messages sent by customers, agents, and the system.
The graph can be changed based on the time range, time granularity (hourly, daily, weekly, or monthly), channel (app, web, WeChat, or Weibo). You can also choose to use different display graphics, such as diagram, area graph, histogram.
The following figure shows an area graph for daily messages in four channels: app, web, WeChat, and Weibo.
The buttons are as follows:
(5): Set the display of the area graph.
Number of conversations served by each agent from 00:00 to the current time, including incoming and callback conversations.
Note: If there is no new conversation on that day, the report is automatically hidden.